A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. There are two types of dentures: full and partial. Full dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. Both full and partial dentures are custom-made in a dental laboratory from impressions of your mouth. A partial denture is a removable dental appliance that replaces missing teeth and fills gaps. It is typically held in place by attaching to nearby natural teeth or dental implants.

    When Should You Get Partial Denture?

    If you are missing several teeth in a row, talk to your dentist about a partial denture. Unlike a crown or bridge, a partial denture can be removed at any time by the patient. This allows patients to enjoy their favorite foods and speak comfortably. Removable partials can be made in full acrylic or with a combination of metal and acrylic. The benefits of a metal alloy partial include increased strength and durability. But some patients find an acrylic partial to be more comfortable. Talk to our dentist to find out which type of partial is best for you.

    What Are the Advantages of Partial Dentures?

    Your dentist may recommend a partial denture if you are missing several teeth in a row. The benefits of getting this appliance are many, such as:

    Restore your smile to full function and appearance

    Missing teeth can throw off the function of your bite and cause pain and discomfort when eating and speaking. A partial denture will fit securely into place and restore a normal bite. It will also keep your facial muscles from sagging and help your skin maintain elasticity, so you look younger!

    Better overall health

    Because chewing with a partial denture requires less force than without one, and less stress will be put on your teeth, gums, and jaw joints, your risk for mouth sores and a misaligned bite is reduced. This helps you avoid painful problems with your gums that can lead to gum disease and tooth loss over time.

    Convenience and comfort

    A partial denture is also much easier to care for and maintain than other restorative options like a bridge or dental implant. Because the appliance can be taken out for cleaning, there are no special cleaning requirements or brushing techniques to learn. Additionally, because the appliance is made of plastic resin and porcelain, it is durable and won’t break easily, making it last for many years. You can also take the device out any time you want to talk or eat without it falling out or making embarrassing noises. This makes using a product like this very convenient and comfortable for you.

    More affordable option

    Even though you are getting a custom-fitted appliance that is made just for you, the cost of a partial denture is typically less expensive than getting other restorations.

    To learn more about partial dentures, get in touch with the dentist in Topeka, KS - Frank N. Johnson, D.D.S., P.A. at 1244 SW Oakley Ave, Topeka, KS 66604, or call (785) 357-7706 for the best dental care.


    1244 SW Oakley Ave,
    Topeka, KS 66604

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